Whilst all HB Globes are unique, special works of art which can never be repeated, sometimes there emerges a globe which catches the artists’ eye and gains more loving attention.

This is a purely objective choice based on the feeling of the artist and he says, “Everything I do, I do for the ‘Wow Factor’, and sometimes a globe strikes me as extra special and deserving of a special finish or treatment.”
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Some ‘Specials’ are one-of-a-kind experiments with novel materials and finishes. Each is painstakingly hand carved with precision, proceeding through many stages before the finished artwork is approved by the artist, wrapped in a soft cotton bag and dispatched in a custom wooden case.
Some feature semi-precious stones, rare minerals, pearls, ceramic flowers, ball magnets, and other internationally sourced materials. Some are decorated with handcarved tattoos, others with coiled copper wire, interlaced with precious beads and woven toroids.
Recent models have been finished using many new materials including magnetite, neodymium magnetic balls, mother of pearl and various semi-precious stones.

S p e c i a l s

Digital Fingerprint

Contour Carving

The Contour Carving Globes appear simple but require a very high level of precision. No mistakes are tolerated, the outline of each continent must be perfect. There are more combinations available than we can show in these photos. They are offered in 25cm, 30cm and 40cm diameters.

Hammered Oceans / Continents

Create a cozy and minimalist space with our new handcrafted sledge hammered finish, remodeled from contour carving outline. The volume impression is quite impressing.

Tattoo / Limited Edition

A pattern specially created by Nana Saja for this limited series of 12 pieces. The finesse and high precision of the manual carving required that the time stops for 4 consecutive weeks, after a surgical manual sending, the piece is carefully finished.

Beads, Gemstones and Ocean Treasures

The natural materials we use, affords the artist an infinite number of combinations and variations. Above are some of the results.
They are offered in 25cm, 30cm and 40cm diameters.


4000 Magnets – you place them as you want – you are responsible for the future of the planet.


2500+ Bolts – We give you the key, screw or unscrew – adjust them as you wish. These are your worlds – make them as you wish!

Green Planet / Green Golf

White acrylic resin globe, made from teak root with artificial grass finish, representing the green lands of ancient Earth. They also represents the artist’s abiding love of golf!

C o m m i s s i o n s

Study for Guerlain

LVMH / Dior

Taking a full year to create, the process was incredible, meticulous and exciting. Between the original concept and the final design, was a long journey. With hundreds of individual, different types of flowers, initially carved in galalith in multiple dimensions. Silicon molds were made, cast in brass and individually painted and positioned by hand. The finished globe contains around five thousand flowers for the globe and seven thousand flowers for the stand. LED lights in display area and a tree pivot to enable smooth rotation.

- First Prototype Versions -

- Final Pieces -

Private Commission USA / Variations

The finished globe contains around five thousand flowers for the globe and six thousand flowers for the round stand, with emerald beads layered under the brass flowers.
The whole stand is lit from the inside by LED lights and a tree pivot to enable smooth rotation.

LVMH / Gaïa

100cm Teak ‘Football’ Assembly / Oak Verneer Continents / Dark Silver Mica Oceans

Brass Flowers - Limited Edition

White Pearl, Deep Black, Indigo Blue 25cm or 30cm

Derived from the elabore floral concept for Dior, the most simplified form giving the result a sober elegance.

Bijou by Nana Sadja

During the Covid lockdown, many people found their muse and created exceptional artwork. This was the result of Nana Sadja’s Covid lockdown. She spent six months on this masterpiece, using copper and brass wire, semi-precious gemstones and pearls to create this unique 30cm globe with the oceans painted with thirty layers of white acrylic paint mixed with mother of pearl.